Friday, June 10, 2016

WEBPACK - what is it Hot Module Reload, flags, process.env etc

Here is a good explanation what is Hot Module Reload:

If you’re interested in a more in depth explanation of how it works, check out the answer to What exactly is Hot Module Replacement in Webpack on Stackoverflow.

webpack-dev-server --progress --inline
  • --progress displays the compilation progress when building
  • --inline adds webpacks automatic refresh code inline with the compile application
--content-base /src


If you wish to have a more in-depth idea of what is taking how long, you can use the --profile switch. This will cause WebPack to display more detailed timing informations. Combine this with the switches above to get a very detailed message and information set, which will contain the timings of your modules.

The timing "keys"

  • factory: The time it took to build the module information.
  • building: The time that was spent building the module (loaders, for example).
  • dependencies: The time that was spent gathering and connecting the dependencies

Webpack configuration can be a CommonJS module and can pick up on environment variables via Node's process.env object.


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

AUTH0 ANGULAR 2 - github links

Steps in creating and running demo Angualr2 + Auth0:
1. Create account on Auth0
2. Create Application (download Angular2 + Auth0 sample code)
3. Add Allowed Callback URLs separated by comma for Prod and Dev e.g http://localhost:3000/, http://localhost:8080/, http://localhost:8081/ (if it is not set you will got an error on login: error invalid origin)
4. Create User with login password

4. Build for prod: npm run watch:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
C:\Users\Andre\Downloads\AUTH0\auth0-angular2-sample\webpack>npm run server:prod

> auth0-angular2-webpack@0.0.0 server:prod C:\Users\Andre\Downloads\AUTH0\auth0-angular2-sample\webpack
> http-server dist --cors

Starting up http-server, serving dist
Available on:

5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod
5. Build for prod: npm run server:prod

auth0 pricing



Real world Angular 2 app authentication

JWT - JSON Web Token for auth0 authorization