Thursday, August 23, 2012

//TODO Check list for a picnic

Check list for a picnic (This is what actually a person should take for a picnic in Ukraine LOL):

  1. 2 chickens
  2. marinade
  3. potato
  4. A piece of bacon or podcherevina
  5. tomatoes
  6. cucumbers
  7. bread
  8. Drinks (juice, water)
  9. Mate
  10. disposable tableware
  11. firewood
  12. coals
  13. Rozpalyuvach
  14. salt
  15. sauces

How to customize default AdSense ads style in Dynamic view on Blogger

I tried to find some solution of How to customize default AdSense ads style in Dynamic view on Blogger, but it seems that there is still no solution for it. Now you could see it just like on this image below:

Even you could chose the content for these ads between images/text you can't change its style according to colors of your template!

So I will keep going to search for the answers and will update this post when I'll find them. Cheers!

How to insert AdSense advertising in the middle of your post on Blogger

If you want to insert AdSense advertising in the middle of your post on Blogger do this: 

1. Find in your template (you must check Expand Widget Templates in Blogger console) the tag <data:post.body/> and replace it with this snippet of code:

<div expr:id='"aim1" +'></div>

<div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">
<!-- Your AdSense code here -->

<div expr:id='"aim2" +'>

<script type="text/javascript">
var obj0=document.getElementById("aim1<>");
var obj1=document.getElementById("aim2<>");
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var\x3C!-- adsense --\x3E/igm);

2. Replace highlighted line with your AdSense code.

For more information read these articles: