1. Go to the page where this source is located (in my case it was not something like src.zip or FILE, but whole FOLDER with everything you need): http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6/ This is how this page it looks like http://nekaka.com/d/quyFnl0ynC
2. Download archive with the name "openjdk-6-src-b25-01_may_2012.tar.gz" (as an example).
Or download it directly from this link: http://nekaka.com/d/92tCNq5nhN (I hope it is still there).
3. Again (this is important) when you will unpack this archive you will not find any src.zip, all you need is this very FOLDER with same name openjdk-6-src-b25-01_may_2012.
4. Now this is what you need to do in Eclipse - press the button "Attach Source", here is like it looks like http://cavdar.net/uploads/2008/07/method1.gif and... THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT (this super hint costs many hours) choose EXTERNAL FOLDER (NOT FILE) pointing to the unpacked folder with the source code openjdk-6-src-b25-01_may_2012.
5. Press OK and that's it. Once again: don't look for the magic file SRC.ZIP
1. Do everything as it is in WAY 1, but instead of selecting openjdk-6-src-b25-01_may_2012 folder do select sources from Android SDK folder: