Monday, May 9, 2011

Enter svn with username

svn --username list http://domain_of_repository

Install Maven (mvn) on Mac

First of all check version of Maven on your Mac with this command:
mvn --version

MacOS goes with Maven 3.0.2 preinstalled. If you will need mvn 2.2.1 go to this 
and download BINARY (!!!) NOT SRC (!!!) file of maven.

Create in ~/usr a new directory local.
Put into ~/usr/local/ this downloaded binary Maven.
Add to ~/.profile this line: 
export PATH=/usr/local/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin:$PATH

IMPORTANT!!! Reboot Mac. Then check again mvn --version and there should be maven 2.2.1.

Here is where to you should to set PATH for JAVA_HOME:


DON'T forget to changes properties of Maven version in IDE!
Here is example where to do it in NetBeans 7:

How to call command ifconfig in Linux CentOS

If the command ifconfig could not be found try to call this command with explicit path to it e.g.:
