Sunday, May 24, 2015

Spring Boot gradle webapp with Java persistence on server side and AngularJS+Bootstrap on client (link)

WebStorm JetBrains - install and run sample AngularJS app

1. Install WebStorm
2. Install NodeJS
3. Check it is installed:
   C:\Users\Andre>npm -version
4. Run from the AngularJS root project directory npm install:
e.g. listed below.
5. In order to debbug JavaScript check that your Chrome has jetbrains-ide-support extension. If it is not installed look for it here:

JavaScript - testing tools: Jasmine (BDD), JsUnit, Karma (test runner)

1. Jasmine is the priority for testing, due to its BDD approach. 
2. JsUnit is an option (w/o BDD):
3. Karma - it is JavaScript test runner.

AngularJS + Bootstrap best practice

The main point: with AngularJS use pure CSS Bootstrap (don't use BootstrapJS)

angular.bootstrap - function in module ng: