Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to check TABS and SPACES in NetBeans 7

In order to check Tabs and Spaces in NetBeans 7 do this:

1. Go to View tab on Top Menu.
2. Check Show Non-printable Characters

How to install GWT SDK and SmartGWT on Mac

Install GWT on Mac like this:
1. Download GWT SDK from this site

2. Unzip it and move it to Applications folder on your Mac.

Install SmartGWT on Mac like this:
1. Download  SmartGWT from this site

2. Unzip it and move it to Applications folder on your Mac.

In Terminal set GWT_HOME and GST_HOME like this:
Open in Terminal with Vim .profile: vi ~/.profile
Add these lines:
export GWT_HOME=/Applications/gwt-2.1.1 (put here your version of gwt)
export GST_HOME=/Applications/smartgwt-2.4 (put here your version of smartgwt)
Restart your Mac and in Terminal check path to GWT_HOME and GST_HOME:
echo $GWT_HOME
echo $GST_HOME

That's all.