Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Create ls command for Windows cmd

In order to enable cmd on Windows run ls command just run from command line this:
echo dir %1 > %systemroot%\system32\ls.bat

Javascript D3 good basic explanation

JavaScript D3 - example how the function(d, i) works

<script src=""></script>

===JS D3==

var data=[10,20,30,40];

var lis ="section")

 .text(function(d,i){ return "item n° "+i+" has value: "+d})

JavaScript D3 - forEach() vs each() function

The main takeaway is that, using .each() you get access to 3 things you need: dthis and i. With .forEach(), on an array (like in the example from the beginning) you only get 2 things (d and i), and you'd have to do a bunch of work to also associate an HTML element with those 2 things. And that, among other things, is how d3 is useful.