Friday, August 17, 2012

Using Subclipse (the Subversion Plug-in for Eclipse) for Configuration Management DOC

Here is the link to the documentation about Subclipse: Using Subclipse (the Subversion Plug-in for Eclipse) for Configuration Management DOC

Adsurfer presentation for the investors

iPhone simulator - my spring animation test of flying dove

iMovie Tutorial (RUS) - добавление музыки в фильм

iMovie Tutorial (RUS) - фотографии в такт музыки

iMovie Tutorial (RUS) - изменение скорости клипа

How it's made: old battery of MacBook Pro 15" (RUS)

iMovie Tutoria (RUS) - делаем аудио из видео

iMovie Tutorial (RUS) - уроки со звуковыми дорожками

Android Robotium at work short movie (Russian). Adsurfer testing.

How to SVN checkout a single file. Use of SVN export command.

Use svn export it instead of svn checkout if you need to checkout just a single file.

"The reason for the limitation is that checkout creates a working copy, that contains meta-information about repository, revision, attributes, etc. That metadata is stored in subdirectories named '.svn'. And single files don't have subdirectories".