Monday, October 3, 2011

How to copy whole directory with SCP

If you want to copy whole directory with scp command just add -r flag like this:
scp -r source-directory-path destination-directory-path

How to get files to your local Mac Desktop from remote server

In order to get files to your local Mac Desktop from remote server do this:

1. Make sure your VPN is working;
2. Use this command in Terminal:
scp root@ip-addres:/root/dir1/dir2/t0backend/dist/mw.rpm \~/Desktop/Icinga_rpms/

If you want to send some files from your local Mac Desktop to some OS (e.g. Linux) on DevVM do this:

1. Make sure your VM is running;
2. Use this command in Terminal:
scp ~/Desktop/Icinga_rpms/mw.rpm \devvm@