Friday, July 22, 2011

If you want to buy ticket to USA and etc

Here is the one of the best site if you gona to buy tickets for airplane:

Tool for Drawing the diagrams

One of the best tool for drawing a diagrams is MagicDraw UML, here is the link.

How to list WS logs

less ws... (-- log SOAP requests)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to Skype with Privatbank in Ukraine

In order to Skype with operator click icon of envelope (see screenshot) and then icon of Skype. That's it. Today (July 2011) I tried to skype with privatbank this way and I was frustrated, because click on this link opened for me window for "Download Skype", but not for making a call... oops...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to add JARs file to Eclipse

To be brief on it: if you want to add JAR file to Eclipse project do it trough adding it into Properties/Build Path/Libraries/Add JARs:

 If you want to know the different ways to add JARs file to your project in Eclipse check this link.

Friday, July 1, 2011

RESTful Web Services

What is RESTful Web Services?

Shortly it is REpresentational State Transfer (REST).

More about REST read this article.