Friday, January 29, 2016

GRADLE & NODE NPM - gradle task for execute npm install and bower install

import org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec
defaultTasks 'bower'
// Get the path for the locally installed binaries
task npmBin << {
new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
def result = exec {
executable = 'npm'
args = ['bin']
standardOutput = os
ext.binPath = os.toString().trim() + "/"
// Install packages from package.json
task npm(type: Exec) {
description = "Grab NodeJS dependencies (from package.json)"
commandLine = ["npm", "install"]
inputs.file "package.json"
outputs.dir "node_modules"
// Install the bower components for front-end library management
task bower(dependsOn: 'npm', type: Exec){
commandLine "${npmBin.binPath}bower", 'install'

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